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The Republic of Frestonia

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Monthly Archives: February 2016

Alexei Sayle Remembers Frestonia

Excerpt from Thatcher Stole My Trousers by Alexei Sayle: The Elgin was a big run-down old place of bevelled glass and scarred and varnished wood with a large back room where bands used to play and it became our regular base. The crowd were very much Tony’s people – squatters, druggies and activists. Just across Ladbroke […]

Joe Rush on the Apocalypse Hotel and Frestonia

Excerpt from an interview originally published in The Idler (Issue 36) Money Madness: Your Money or Your Life?  by Tom Hodgkinson. Joe Rush …Then I came back to London and was living in a house called Apocalypse Hotel which was in Frestonia in Latimer Road. Then I started putting the Mutoid thing together. I had a […]

The Clash at Frestonia

In ‘Getting it Straight in Notting Hill Gate: A West London Psychogeography Report’ by Tom Vague, Vague notes: In the wake of Frestonia, the Clash posed in front of the Apocalypse Hotel for the cover of Zigzag magazine. The Clash and Moorhead rehearsed at Ear Studios in the People’s Hall on Olaf Street (now design […]

London’s Outrage

In ‘Getting it Straight in Notting Hill Gate: A West London Psychogeography Report’ by Tom Vague, Vague notes: Jon Savage produced an issue of his fanzine London’s Outrage consisting of a Frestonia photo montage with the Westway graffiti ‘Same thing day after day…’ His punk wasteland recollection of the area echoes the mid-19th century description […]

Excerpt from The Cinderella Philatelist

Originally published in The Cinderalla Philatelist, July 1979 and later republished at   Transcript July 1979 THE CINDERELLA PHILATELIST GREAT BRITAIN: FRESTONIA 1977-1978 By Gordon S. Woods On 30 October 1977 a group of people in the W.11 postal district of London, for reasons of their own, unanimously elected to declare themselves the Free Independent […]

From the Ministry of State for Tourism

Transcript   107 Freston Road Frestonia,(via London W.11., England). First Class Frestonia Stamps, in blue and white, with the nation’s crest, are available in sheets of 98 stamps only, at £1.00 U.K. Sterling. This includes one Frestonian first class stamp on the envelope in which these sheets are sent out. The equivalent number of first class […]

An open letter to the Danish Prime Minister

Originally published at Transcript 107 Freston Road Frestonia, (via London W.11., England). January 20th 1978 Anker Jorgensen, Esq., Prime Minister, Flotshomsgade 12, D.K. 1216 Copenhagen K, Denmark Dear Sir, I represent the Free Independent Republic of Frestonia, which created a furore on November 1st of last year by its declaration of independence from Britain, and which has […]