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The Republic of Frestonia

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Monthly Archives: September 2015

ITN TV Coverage (Transcript)

  • September 28, 2015
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Broadcast on November 2nd, 1977 Transcript David Well, no I wouldn’t be very disappointed if it didn’t happen and I’d be quite surprised if it did happen. But I mean we’ve gone into it in great detail we’ve sent copies of declarations of independence to the United Nations, to the EEC, to the Queen, to […]

Radio interview with David Rappaport

Recorded on November 1st, 1977.   Transcript David We, the Free Independent Republic of Frestonia, herewith apply for full membership of the United Nations with autonomous nation status. We’re quite serious. It’s one of our methods of negotiating. We’ve had public meetings with the local council and the citizens here voted unanimously against their plans […]

Loyal greetings to the people of Hay

The Free Independent Republic of Frestonia TO THE PEOPLE OF HAY FROM THE FREE AND INDEPENDENT CITIZENS OF FRESTONIA WHO CURRENTLY RULE THE CORRUGATED WAVES IN WEST LONDON LOYAL GREETINGS! Full transcription continues below. The three streets now known as Frestonia since early last year were an open sewer in Dickens’s day: the Jarrow Hunger […]